Information from all endpoints available in the Open Finance API
On this page you will find all the endpoints available in the Gerencianet Open Finance API and information on how to use them correctly, such as the scopes necessary for the consumption of each route and their return details.
Use the summary below to quickly navigate between API endpoint groups.
Application settings
Configuring application URLs
This endpoint is used to create or modify a configuration in the application related to the Open Finance API.
To register the Webhook url, it is necessary that the communication obeys the mTLS standard, which will be validated at the time of configuration. For more details, visit the link.
Data for configuration.
- URLs settings
Attribute | Description | Mandatory | Type |
redirectURL | Url where the final customer will be directed after the transaction. The redirectURL will be activated when the customer is directed to the store of origin, that is, to the environment that the integrator prepares to receive the customer after completing the actions in the banking environment. | Yes | String |
webhookURL | Url where the notification will be sent. | Yes | String |
Getting application URLs settings
This endpoint is used to return the application settings related to the Open Finance API, it is not necessary to inform any parameters.
The answers below represent Success(200) and Failures/Errors of consumption.
- 200(Success)
- 400(Bad Request)
- 500(Error)
Get the participants institutions of Open Finance
Endpoint to get one or more active participants of Open Finance.
Requires authorization for the scope:
Attribute | Description | Mandatory | Type |
Nome | PSP name to be searched. | No | String |
If the "nome" (name) attribute is not present in the request, all active Open Finance participants willl be returned.
The responses below represent Success(200) and Consumption failures/errors.
- 200(Success)
- 404(Not Found)
- 401(Unauthorized)
- 403(Forbidden)
- 412(Precondition Failed)
- 500(Error)
Request to start using Pix via Open Finance
Attribute | Description | Mandatory | Type |
x-idempotency-key | Unique key to avoid duplicate requests in a short time. If several requests with the same information are sent at the same time, one of them will be successfully processed. If another request is sent with the same key, a 409 error will be returned. (This attribute must be sent in the Header) | Yes | String. minLength: 36 maxLength: 72 |
- Payment initiation
Data that can be used in the payment initiation request:
Attribute | Description | Mandatory | Type |
Pagador | The fields in the "pagador" identifier organizes informations regarding the data of the final customer to whom the charge will be generated. pagador: idParticipante* // Participant identifier in the Central Bank directory. (String)cpf* // Final customer CPF (document), natural person. (String)cnpj* // Final customer CNPJ (document), juridical person. (String) | Yes | Object. |
Favorecido | The fields in the "favorecido" identifier organizes informations regarding the data of the final customer to whom the charge will be generated. favorecido: contaBanco* : (bank account)codigoBanco* // Bank code. (String)agencia* // agency (String)documento* // Account owner document. (String)nome* // Account owner name (String)conta* // Account number with the last digit. (String)Tipoconta* : CACC: Conta Corrente, used to post debits and credits in general. SLRY: Salary account, used for salary payments. SVGS: Conta Poupança, used for savings. TRAN: Conta de Transações, used as basic account type. (Values) //[ CACC, SLRY, SVGS, TRAN ] | Yes | Object. |
Valor | Payment value. | Yes | String. |
codigoCidadeIBGE | City code (or zipcode) according to IBGE. | Yes | String. |
infoPagador | Informations to the final payer. 200(Success) | No | String. |
The responses below represent Success(200) and Consumption failures/errors.
- 200(Success)
- 404(Bad Request)
- 401(Unauthorized)
- 403(Forbidden)
- 409(Conflict)
- 422(Unprocessable)
- 431(Fields Too Large)
- 500(Error)
List of payments for a period of time
This endpoint is used to list information about payments that have been made over a period of time.
This endpoint has mandatory start and end filters that represent the range of dates in which the queried charges must be included.
RequisiçãoData that can be used in the information listing request:
Attribute | Description | Mandatory | Type |
inicio | Inicial date of the payment. Example: 2022-04-29 | Yes | String |
fim | Final date of the payment. Example: 2022-04-29 | Yes | String |
quantidade | Quantity of returns for page. Example: 5 | No | String |
pagina | number of the page you want to consult according to the quantity. Example: 2 | No | String |
status | payment status. Example: 2 | No | String |
identificador | Payment identifier (If this field is informed, the others are disregarded in the search). | No | String |
The responses below represent Success(200) and Consumption failures/errors.
- 200(Success)
- 400(Bad Request)
- 404(Unknown Payment Error)
- 422(Unprocessable)
- 500(Error)
Receiving callbacks
This service is protected by an mTLS authentication layer.
A POST request is sent by Gerencianet to the URL you registered as a webhook for a given key. When there is a change in the status of an Open Finance transaction, involving the associated key, a JSON object (like the examples below) will be sent to your server. Each request sent has a timeout of 60 seconds, that is, a callback request is interrupted when it reaches 60 seconds without a response.
The answers below represent Success(200) and Failures/Errors of consumption.
- Example - Callbacks data
The following table details the fields present in the JSON object that will be sent in the notification.
Attribute | Description | Mandatory | Type |
identificadorPagamento | Identifier of the payment initiated in the Open Finance API. Example: ae71713f-875b-4af3-9d85-0bcb43288847 | Yes | String |
status | Status of payment initiated. Example: pendente , agendado , rejeitado e aceito . | Yes | String |
Valor | Transaction amount received. Example: 9,90 | Yes | String \d10.\d2 |
dataCriacao | Transaction creation date. | Yes | String (datetime) |
endToEndId | EndToEndIdentification que transita na PACS002, PACS004 e PACS008 | No | String (32 characters)^[a-zA-Z0-9]32$ |
Callback requests wait for a response with HTTP status 2XX. If the client's server returns a different status, Gerencianet will make up to 10 notification retries. The first retry will be made 5 minutes after the callback fails to send. If the error persists, subsequent attempts will be sent at increasing time intervals, as shown in the table below.
In cases where the client's server returns HTTP status 429 (too many requests), Gerencianet's servers will try to send the notification up to 10 times also according to the table below.
Trial number | Time (in minutes) |
1 | 5 |
2 | 10 |
3 | 20 |
4 | 40 |
5 | 80 |
6 | 160 |
7 | 320 |
8 | 640 |
9 | 1280 |
10 | 2560 |