Integration Flow

Ready to start using Gerencianet? This is a short list to help you get started with our payment solutions:

1. Create your digital account on Gerencianet

If you do not yet have a Gerencianet Digital Account, make your registration right now! It will be your identification, as well as the space to issue charges and carry out the financial management of your business.

2. Configure your preferences

After creating your Gerencianet account, you will be able to configure the following elements:

  • Insert your logo;
  • Set the text for the card invoice;
  • Configure fine/interest rate;
  • Configure fancy name;
  • Among other options.

3. Choose the type of integration

Do you already know which integration you are going to use? We prepare a table summarizing the integrations and available forms of use, access and choose the one that best meets your needs.

If you are going to use a payment button or subscription button, you can finish reading this step and follow the information that is in your Gestoret account as soon as you generate the desired button.

4. Explore our testing environment

Gerencianet offers two ways to use the test environment (sandbox): (a) within your Gerencianet account through the Playground or (b) using your Client_Id and Client_Secret development keys:

(a) The Playground is an isolated environment, similar to the production environment - it's the place within your Gestornet account where you can test API features online, without having to program. It's simple, see:

  • Di login in your Gerencianet account, access the menu "API", after "Minhas Aplicações > Nova aplicação" (?), defining a name for your application; and

  • From now on, see how to use our Playground and copy the codes provided in the Test Environment section of the documentation and explore the Playground.

(b) You can also perform integration tests directly on your application/system before going to the production environment. For this, use your Client_Id and Client_Secret keys from the "Development" tab (?).

Para complementar, oferecemos vídeos ensinando mais sobre a API e o Playground:

5. Check out our API responses during your Playground tests

Explore the Request History sub-tab to view all requests made by your management system or integration with the Gerencianet API. Thus, you will learn to interpret the Gerencianet API returns and correct possible data validation errors or similar ones.

Also be sure to check the Notification History sub-tab, which allows you to view the POSTs that Gestoranet fires to the notification URL defined by the integrator.

All procedures performed in the Playground (sandbox) will be listed in the "Homologation" sub-tab.

Watch the video where we teach you how to use the "Request History".

6. Check out our available SDKs and choose your language

We currently provide SDKs in the following languages: PHP, NodeJS, Ruby, Python, .NET, Java, Delphi, GO, Android e Flutter

Be sure to check out our API documentation to see the available resources (endpoints). Choose the ones you want and include them in your system integration.

7. What is your need?

To help direct you if your need is:

  • Learn more about the Gerencianet test environment;
  • Generate boleto bancário;
  • Generate a balance sheet;
  • Generate payment via credit card;
  • Create recurring billing (subscriptions);
  • Issue carnets;
  • Use marketplace;
  • Create payment link;
  • Use Gerencianet on WooCommerce (WordPress), Magento, PrestaShop, OpenCart, WHMCS, Box Billing or Joomla (VirtueMart) platforms;
  • Use Gerencianet in another system.

8. Finished the tests and want to put it in the real production environment?

After making sure your implementation is correct and your integrations are communicating the way they should, it's time to move to the production environment (which is the "real environment", with "real" transactions).

In your application/system, provide the Client_Id and Client_Secret key pair from the "Production" tab and change the value of the 'sandbox' attribute from true to false. Only that.


Don't forget to include the "Notification URL" feature in your integration, as this feature allows your system to receive transaction callbacks (eg when a boleto is paid, canceled, defaulted, etc). For more details, see the notifications documentation.

9. Ready

At this point, you can proceed with your activities as normal. If you want to know more about the Gerencianet API, browse the other sections of our documentation to know and explore the features and possibilities of integrations offered.