
Our API is RESTful and responds in JSON. Gerencianet uses OAuth to provide authorized access to the API. Our NodeJS SDK is already prepared to perform this authentication automatically.

Below, check out the procedures for installing the Gerencianet SDK in Delphi:

Pre requirements

  • Applications that will use the SDK must be compiled on Windows 32-bit platform.
  • Desktop applications only.


Originally, Delphi SDK's were run and developed on Delphi Rio Community Edition 10.3.

Remembering that this SDK was developed to be backward compatible, that is, compatible with both the latest versions of Delphi and the older versions, however, Gerencianet will only support win-32 desktop applications developed in Delphi Rio Community Edition 10.3.

Download the Delphi SDK - API Boletos (Bolix)

All demo code is available in our GitHub repository (Click in this link). After completing the download, unzip the file in a folder of your choice and the SDK will be ready to use.

Download the Delphi SDK - Pix

All demo code is available in our GitHub repository (Click in this link). After completing the download, unzip the file in a folder of your choice and the SDK will be ready to use.

Using the Gerencianet SDK

To use the SDK, just add the classes to your project and call them according to your needs.


Depending on the Endpoint to be used, it will be necessary to add DLL's (Available in: \Api Compiled) and external classes (Available in: \Code\External) to your project as well.

The API will always return a JSON string, so any argument type passed to SDK functions must be of type String.

Before consuming any API endpoints, you must authenticate to the API using the SDK. For this, you will provide your data:

  • Client_Id;
  • Client_Secret;
  • Enviroment (sandbox or production);
  • Certificate in .p12 mode (Pix API only);

The "sandbox" (or "homologation") environment is the place that Gerencianet makes available to the integrator to test its integration.

The "production" environment is the "real" environment that your application should be in to generate "real" charges (or "transactions").

REMEMBER: if you activate the "sandbox", use Client_Id and Client_Secret for "homologation" (see where to find), as well as, if you are using "production" environment, use Client_Id and Client_Secret from that environment (see where to find).

If you use our Pix API, upload your certificate (.p12 file). If you don't have a certificate yet, see how to generate.

External Project Dependencies

For SDK development, some external classes available in:


These external classes are already inside our project in the "Utils/External" folder.