Playground: Others

To acess the sandbox environmet you will need a Gerencianet account. Create your account.

The Playground (also called as "sandbox") it is a development/test environment in which the integrator, regardless of the operation to be performed, can use to learn about the payment mechanism and flow in a 100% test and uncomplicated environment. Know more about the Gerencianet's sandbox environment.

The endpoint installment is used to list the installments of each credit card brand, with the interest amounts and number of installments calculated according to the integrating account. That is, if your account has a card interest setting (option available for customers who have chosen to receive card amounts in installments), it is not necessary to make any calculations, this endpoint already informs the calculated amounts.

In the PHP SDK, for example, the function that uses this endpoint is called getInstallments, and a example can be seen in our documentation.

Other details about listing credit card installments, acess the specific section in our documentation.

Next, check the endpoint present in our Playground, within the "Others":


Allows you to list the installments, according to the credit card brand, with the interest amounts and number of installments calculated according to the fees/tax of the integrating account.

Available credit card's brands: visa, mastercard, amex, elo and hipercard.

In the following image, you can see the screen of our test environment, which contains the resources linked to the GET /v1/installments method that are available for use:

The following is a simple JSON that allows you to list the installments when paying by credit card. Also, you can look at the predicted output available for this method. Remembering that it is also necessary to inform the input parameter brand (credit card's brand) and total (total amount) of the purchase you want to obtain the information:

Input parameter: enter the "brand" and "total"