
This content aims to help developers with regard to integration with other languages in which we do not yet offer a library, or those who wish to integrate with our API without using any of our available SDKs, for that we provide the Collection Postman Gerencainet API Charges.

POST/v1/charge/one-stepCreate new transaction with assigned payerVide link
POST/v1/chargeCreate new transactionVide link
GET/v1/charge/:idReturn existing transaction informationVide link
PUT/v1/charge/:id/metadataInclude information like "notification_url" and "custom_id" in an existing transactionVide link
PUT/v1/charge/:id/billetChange due date of an existing transactionVide link
PUT/v1/charge/:id/cancelCancel an existing transactionVide link
POST/v1/charge/:id/payAssociates payment method with an already created transactionVide link
POST/v1/charge/:id/billet/resendResending the boleto bancário to the desired emailVide link
POST/v1/charge/:id/historyAdd description to transaction historyVide link
POST/v1/charge/:id/linkReturns a link to a Gerencianet payment screenVide link
PUT/v1/charge/:id/linkChange certain parameters/attributes of an existing payment linkVide link
POST/v1/charge/:id/balance-sheetDefines that the transaction will be of the boleto balancete typeVide link
PUT/v1/charge/:id/settleAllows you to mark as paid (manual download) a certain transactionVide link

Endpoints: Carnês

POST/v1/carnetCreate one carnêVide link
GET/v1/carnet/:idReturns existing carnet informationVide link
PUT/v1/carnet/:id/metadataInclude information like "notification_url" and "custom_id" in an existing carnetVide link
PUTv1/carnet/:id/parcel/:parcelChange the due date of a specific installment of a carnêVide link
PUT/v1/carnet/:id/cancelCancel a certain carnêVide link
PUTv1/carnet/:id/parcel/:parcel/cancelCancellation of a specific installment of an existing carnêVide link
POST/v1/carnet/:id/resendResend carnê by emailVide link
POST/v1/carnet/:id/parcel/:parcel/resendResend by e-mail a certain portion of a carnêVide link
POST/v1/carnet/:id/historyAdd information to the history of a carnetVide link
PUT/v1/carnet:id/parcel/:parcel/settleAllows you to mark as paid (manual write-off) a certain installment of a carnêVide link

Endpoints: Notifications

GET/v1/notification/:tokenRetorna o histórico de notificações enviadas a uma determinada transaçãoVide link

Endpoints: Assinaturas

POST/v1/planCreate the subscription planVide link
GET/v1/plansReturns information for a planVide link
PUT/v1/plan/:idAllows changing (editing) the name of a pre-existing subscription planVide link
DELETE/v1/plan/:idCancel a subscription planVide link
POST/v1/plan/:id/subscriptionCreate subscriptions to link to plansVide link
GET/v1/subscription/:idReturns information for a subscription linked to a planVide link
PUT/v1/subscription/:idcancelCancel active subscriptions to a subscription planVide link
PUT/v1/subscription/:id/metadataChange notification URL ("notification_url") and/or "custom_id" in an existing subscriptionVide link
POST/v1/subscription/:id/payAssociate Payment Method with an already created subscriptionVide link
POST/v1/subscription/:id/historyAdds Description to the history of a subscriptionVide link

Endpoints: Others

GET/v1/installmentsList installments, according to the credit card brand. Available flags:Vide link

Relationship between endpoints (Playground) with the name of the functions used by the SDKs

Next, the relationship between the endpoints (Playground) with the name of the functions used by our SDKs in the PHP, NodeJS, Ruby, Python, .NET and Java languages is available.

The files available are in .pdf format and are intended to allow you to identify the name of the functions used by our SDK, according to the endpoints you used and knew in the test environment.

So, after you have explored our Playground well and have known the payment mechanism and flow, it will be easier to proceed with your integration activities. Check, according to your language: