Box Billing

Gerencianet Integration Module for Official Boxbilling - Version 0.2.1 (Beta)

The Gerencianet module for Boxbilling allows you to generate charges with registration through our API. Compatible with versions above 4.19 of Boxbilling.

This is a Beta version of the Official Integration Module provided by Gerencianet for Boxbilling. With it, the person responsible for the Box Billing account can receive payments by boleto and, as soon as the charge has a payment confirmation or is cancelled, Gerencianet sends an automatic notification to Boxbilling.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us through the Gerencianet website.


If you have activated Bolix in your Gerencianet account, the charges generated by our module/plugin will already come with the pix on the boleto. More details about Bolix and how to activate it, click here.

1. Requirements

  • PHP version: 5.4.39 à 7.0.3
  • Minimal version of Boxbilling: 4.19

2. Installation

  1. Download the latest module version;

  2. Unzip the downloaded file;

  3. Copy the file gerencianetcharge.php and the folder gerencianet_lib (available in the folder gn-api-boxbilling) and paste in the directory /bb-library/Payment/Adapter/ of the installation of Box Billing;

  4. Copy the image gerencianetcharge.png (available in the folder gn-api-boxbilling) and paste in the directory /bb-themes/huraga/assets/img/gateway_logos;

  5. At the end of the file logos.css, located in the directory /bb-themes/huraga/assets/css/, paste the following code snippet:

background: transparent url("/img/gateway_logos/gerencianetcharge.png") no-repeat scroll 0% 0%;
background-size: contain;
height: 25px;
border: 0;
margin: 10px;

The Gerencianet module files must have the following structure in Box Billing:

| gerencianet_lib/
| gerencianetcharge.php

Module settings

alt text

Within the Boxbilling admin panel, access the menu Configuration > Payment Gateways. click to edit module settings gerencianetcharge. The screen shown above will be displayed. Within the form, you must fill in the following fields:

1. Client_Id Produção: It must be filled in with the Client_Id of production from your Gerencianet account. This field is mandatory and can be found in the menu API > Minhas Aplicações. Then select your created application as shown in this link;

2. Client_Secret Produção: It must be filled in with the Client_Secret of production from your Gerencianet account. This field is mandatory and can be found in the menu API > Minhas Aplicações. Then select your created application as shown in this link;

3. Client_Id Desenvolvimento: It must be filled in with the Client_Id of development from your Gerencianet account. This field is mandatory and can be found in the menu API > Minhas Aplicações. EThen select your created application as shown in this link;

4. Client_Secret Desenvolvimento: It must be filled in with the Client_Secret of development from your Gerencianet account. This field is mandatory and can be found in the menu API > Minhas Aplicações. Then select your created application as shown in this link;

5. Identificador da Conta: It must be filled in with the identifier of your Gerencianet account. This field is mandatory. Check where to find it on your platform (Identificador da Conta);

6. E-mail de cobrança - Gerencianet: If you are interested, enable the sending of billing emails from Gerencianet to the end customer;

7. Sandbox: If you are interested, enable the Gerencianet API test environment;

8. Moeda: Choose the option R$ Real (it must be defined in your Boxbilling);

9. Enabled: Choose the option Yes to activate the Gerencianet module;

10. Allow one time payments: Choose the option Yes;

11. Allow subscription payments: Choose the option No (the Gerencianet module does not support subscription transactions);

Finally, click in UPDATE.


It is important to note that boletos generated in sandbox are not valid and cannot be paid, they have the typeable line "zero" and a watermark at the bottom stating that it is a test ticket.

Payments for sandbox charges using credit card are dummy even if using a "real" card. All card payments in this environment will have the payment confirmed automatically, but this is just a status change to "Paid" . This feature allows you to test the paid status notification.

This means that all payments made in the sandbox are not real and, therefore, there is no financial charge.

It is important to know that the words Playground, Sandbox and Development Environment, in the Gerencianet context, are synonymous. They refer to the test site we offer where you can freely test your API integration.

3. Common Integration Errors

Even if none of these validation errors are returned, the Gerencianet API may return errors referring to the generation of the charge. To interpret the API returns and, of course, correct possible data validation errors or similar ones, go to "page".