Opencart - Pix

Gerencianet PIX Integration Module for OpenCart Brazil

The Gerencianet's module for OpenCart allows you to receive payments through the transparent checkout of our API. This module is the Official Module of Gerencianet for OpenCart, only compatible with versions of OpenCart higher than version (Brazil 1.5.0).

You can download it here.


This module only includes payments using Pix. For payments via Boleto, see the page OpenCart - Boletos

1. System requirements

Using PHP 7.3

- MySQL version: 5.6

Using PHP 7.4

- MySQL version: 8.x

Installing dependencies that might be missing (replace the x with your PHP version number):

- sudo apt-get install php7.x-dom
- sudo apt-get install php7.x-curl
- sudo apt-get install php7.x-gd
- sudo apt-get install php7.x-xml
- sudo apt-get install php7.x-zip
  • OpenCart needs the curl activated
  • It is necessary that the Real Brasileiro is set as the default currency in Opencart.
  • You must use OpenCart Brazil. If you don't already have it, download it here.

(*) The system requirements were defined according to our tests. If your system doesn't meet the requirements, it doesn't mean that the module provided won't work in your OpenCart, but that we don't test it in the same environment.

Therefore, we do not guarantee the operation of this module in environments other than those mentioned above.

2. Installation

The Gerencianet module for OpenCart can be installed in two ways:

2.1. Automatic Installation

  1. Download

  2. Access Extensions > Extension Installer (Extensões > Instalador), click in Upload, select the file '' (mentioned in the first instruction) and wait for the automatic installation to complete.


If you have previously installed the Gerencianet module, OpenCart may inform you that some files will be overwritten. Don't worry, because the installation will not affect any file other than the Gerencianet module already existing in your store.


Due to the size of the module installation file, you may need to change the parameter php_max_upload of the php.ini to, at least, 3 mb.

2.2. Manual Installation

  1. Download the module latest version files.

2.Unzip the downloaded files and upload the folders admin, catalog and lib into the main OpenCart directory.


If you have previously installed the Gerencianet module, OpenCart may inform you that some files will be overwritten. Don't worry, because the installation will not affect any file other than the Gerencianet module already existing in your store.

3. Settings

Access Extensions > Modifications, select the module Gerencianet PIX and click in Refresh in the upper right corner of the page.

When accessing Extensions > Extensions ,you must select the type of extension you want. Choose Payments. You will already see the Gerencianet module available in the list. Click in install and then in edit to start the confiiguration.

Three tabs will be available to configure the module:

  • General
  • PIX
  • Order status


In this tab it is necessary to inform:

  • The Development and Production credentials of your application (obtained in your Gerencianet account)
  • The identificador da conta (account identifier) (obtained in your Gerencianet account)
  • Habilitar modo sandbox: Determines if the module is in testing mode. In test mode you can only generate dummy charges to test the flow.
  • Ativo: Determines whether the Gerencianet Module is active or inactive.


On this tab, the following properties can be configured:

  • Chave PIX (Pix key): Determines which PIX key the payment will be sent to
  • Caminho do certificado (certificate path): You must inform the path where your .pem security certificate is located.
  • Desconto no Pagamento (Payment discount): You can provide a discount for customers who pay through PIX.
  • Tempo de Vencimento (hours to the expiration time): Determines the validity time of the generated QRCode
  • Validate mTLS: Enables or disables security checking using mTLS. More information you can find here
Pix Key

If your Pix key is registered as a telephone number, do not forget to follow the pattern defined by BACEN, informing +55 DDD and the number, example: +5531988887777

Order status

In this tab is performed the configuration of the Gerencianet Payment Status with the Payment Status of your store. Thus, when there is a change in the payment status in Gerencianet, the order status in your store will be automatically updated according to the defined settings.

4. Frequent Questions

4.1. Is it mandatory to have SSL in my store to accept payments with the module?

For the Gerencianet module for OpenCart to work, it is not necessary for the store to have an SSL certificate. However, Gerencianet strongly recommends to use it. Regardless of its use, all payment data is encrypted and transmitted securely for payment validation. The presence of an SSL certificate installed in your store guarantees greater security for the merchant and for customers who make purchases. The absence of the SSL certificate on the payment screen can cause the merchant to lose sales, as the customer may feel insecure to enter payment data on a page that does not have a certificate.

4.2. I want to use Transparent Checkout so that the customer does not leave my store to make the payment. It's possible?

Yes. The Gerencianet module for OpenCart uses the transparent checkout to pay customers, that is, at no time will the customer leave your virtual store to complete the payment. Thus, in the last step of the purchase, the customer will be asked for the mandatory data to make the payment.

4.3. Is it possible to use the MarketPlace or Subscriptions features with the module?

Not yet. Follow our changelog to see all the news.

4.4. I'm getting the message "Unauthorized" when trying to complete a purchase. What to do?

This error message may be related to incorrectly entered credentials. Check that your credentials are correctly entered in the respective PRODUCTION and Approval fields. Check our FAQ for detailed information.

4.5.The message "Gerencianet Desabilitada: O modo Sandbox (Ambiente de testes) está ativo. Suas cobranças não serão validadas". How to fix?

This message will be displayed when your module is configured in test environment (sandbox). To remove this message and start receiving with the manners, access the module settings in Extensions> Payments> Gerencianet> Edit and uncheck the sandbox> enable Gerencianet sandbox (test environment).

4.6.Where can I track the transactions generated by the module?

Transactions generated through the module can be tracked in your Gerencianet account at the link API > Minhas Aplicações > Sua Aplicação. In this environment you will be able to follow all the transactions and their respective situations.

4.7.When I try to make a payment I get the message “There was an error trying to make your request. Please contact the store owner.”

This error message can be displayed at checkout for a number of reasons. In this case, the first step is to verify your application's credentials and also check the "request history" sub-tab in your API see how to use this feature.

5. Support and Suggestions

Your suggestions for new ideas and implementations for the Gerencianet module for OpenCart are very important. So, if you have any ideas, please contact our team. We will analyze your suggestion and evaluate the possibility of implementation.

If you have any questions, please contact us via the website. Gerencianet.