
Our API is RESTful and responds in JSON. Gerencianet uses OAuth to provide authorized access to the API. Our NodeJS SDK is already prepared to perform this authentication automatically.

Below, check out the procedures for installing the Gerencianet SDK in Python:

Installing via PIP

$ pip install gerencianet

Tested with

  • Python 2.7, 3.3 ,3.4 e 3.5

Basic use

# encoding: utf-8
from gerencianet import Gerencianet
credentials = {
'client_id': 'client_id',
'client_secret': 'client_secret',
'sandbox': True
gn = Gerencianet(credentials)
body = {
'items': [{
'name': "Product 1",
'value': 1000,
'amount': 2
'shippings': [{
'name': "Default Shipping Cost",
'value': 100
print gn.create_charge(body=body)


You can run the examples inside examples with $ python examples/

$ python examples/


Remember to set the correct credentials inside examples/ before run.

$ py.test