
This page contains a brief introduction to the Open Finance API and information on how to set up an environment for its use.

Open Finance API

The Open Finance API provides the communication with the initiator Gerencianet (authorized participant) and recipient (e-commerce or m-commerce non-participant). With our API it is possible to start the open finance process in a practical way and make the payment of the end customer way easier.

Open Finance API changes

The following changes can happen, but they are backwards-compatibility. That is, they will be compatible with previous versions of the API and will not impact your integrations:

  • Added new features in the Open Finance API.
  • Added new optional parameters.
  • Adding new fields in Open Finance API responses
  • Changing the order of fields.
  • Adding new elements to enumerations.

A new version of the Open Finance API will be generated whenever there are incompatible changes. But don't worry, our team will let you know in advance, on our official channels, about how you should proceed.

Any questions, you can talk to our Technical and Commercial teams on the Discord Platform. Click on the image below to access the server.


Postman Open Finance API collection

This is the link to our Collection that we will keep updated with the Open Finance API endpoints


To enable the Open Finance API scopes, simply open a ticketinforming the account number and Client_Id of the desired application. It is also possible to request the release through our server on Discord.

Open Finance API

In cases of using the Open Finance API, we recommend that the "receberSemChave" (receive without key) attribute, from the API-Pix, be set to true, as the divergence in the configuration will impact the transactions. The link to the endpoint can be found here.