Types of Integrations

In view of the variety of integrations with Gerencianet, we have gathered this information in the table below to make your choice easier. So choose the best integration, according to your needs:

IntegrationsDescriptionTarget AudienceTechnical knowledge
Payment ButtonA simple code that you include in your HTML to accept fixed amount payments
  • blogs and websites
  • Sites that use WIX and similar
  • Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.)
  • events
  • small stores
Subscription buttonA simple code that you include in your HTML to accept subscriptions (recurring charges)
  • blogs and websites
  • Sites that use WIX and similar
  • RSocial Media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.)
  • events
  • small stores
Billing by e-mail: Manual issuance (boleto or card)Sending a billing email with a link to make the payment. You can choose several payment methods: boleto, card or both, in addition to carnê and subscriptions (recurring billing). It is also possible for you to generate or print in PDF
  • Liberal professionals and service providers
  • companies in general
  • Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.)
  • Events
None (sending e-mail from the Gerencianet account)
Billing by email: Issue by ExcelIssue invoices in batch by importing an Excel spreadsheet that contains your customer and invoice data (file in .xls and .xlsx format). Gerencianet provides two example files for issuing via Excel spreadsheet: one of them is the model, and the other has examples of how it can be filled. It is also possible for you to generate or print in PDF
  • Liberal professionals and service providers
  • companies in general
  • Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.)
  • Events
None (sending e-mail from the Gerencianet account)
Boleto Bancário (via integration with/API)Allows you to generate charges using the payment method via bank slip, which can be sent by email, set interest/fines after maturity, grant discounts, among countless possibilities
  • All types of businesses and segments
Intermediate to Advanced (JSON)
Boleto Balancete (integration with/API)This billet model is widely used by condominiums and accountants and aims to provide a prior demonstration of the month's financial transactions for condominium owners and customers. Data such as income, expenses and accounts receivable are available.
  • Condominiums, accounting, etc.
Intermediate to Advanced (JSON)
Credit Card (via integration with/API)Allows you to generate charges using the form of payment via credit card, which can be sent by email, granting a discount, among countless possibilities
  • All types of businesses and segments
Intermediate to Advanced (JSON)
Subscription (recurring billing) (via integration with/API)Allows you to charge (via boleto or card) your customers on a recurring basis through subscription plans. As soon as he authorizes the debits, you don't have to worry about sending the charge every month and your customer doesn't run the risk of forgetting to make the payment
  • recurring payments
  • subscriptions
  • Collection of monthly fees
Intermediate to Advanced (JSON)
Carnes (integration with/API)A carnet is a set of transactions (tranches) generated in batches and with a payment method already defined. The installments of a booklet are due monthly, according to the date defined by the integrator
  • Internet providers
  • Collection of monthly fees
  • Educational Institutions
Intermediate to Advanced (JSON)
Payment Link (via integration with/API)This feature allows you to create a link to a Gerencianet payment screen. Thus, the integrator does not need to implement its own payment screen
  • Configurable payment methods (boleto, card or both)
  • Who does not want to implement their own payment screen or prefers to use the Gerencianet
Intermediate to Advanced (JSON)
Marketplace (via integration with/API)The Gerencianet marketplace can be used in situations where the amount paid by the buyer must be divided between two or more sellers
  • All types of online businesses
  • Online stores with more than one distinct seller
Intermediate to Advanced (JSON)
Módulo: WordPress (WooCommerce)Use the integration with the Gerencianet API through the WooCommerce module (which uses the famous WordPress platform) and start selling your items/products/services. Settings in the module are quick and easy - it doesn't even take 5 minutes
  • Who needs to start selling fast
  • All types of online businesses
Basic to Intermediate
Module: MagentoUse the integration with the Gerencianet API through the module for Magento (e-commerce platform) and start selling your items/products/services. Settings in the module are quick and easy - it doesn't even take 5 minutes
  • Who needs to start selling fast
  • All types of online businesses
  • Medium and large online stores
Basic to Intermediate
Module: PrestaShopUse the integration with the Gerencianet API through the module for PrestaShop (e-commerce platform) and start selling your items/products/services. Settings in the module are quick and easy - it doesn't even take 5 minutes
  • Who needs to start selling fast
  • All types of online businesses
Basic to Intermediate
Module: WHMCSUse the integration with the Gerencianet API through the module for WHMCS (internet hosting service provider management) and start selling your products/services. Settings in the module are quick and easy - it doesn't even take 5 minutes
  • Internet providers
  • Website hosting segment
  • Internet hosting services (streaming, vps, etc.)
Basic to Intermediate
Module: Box BillingUse the integration with the Gerencianet API through the module for Box Billing (management of internet hosting service providers) and start selling your products/services. Settings in the module are quick and easy - it doesn't even take 5 minutes
  • Internet providers
  • Website hosting segment
  • Internet hosting services (streaming, vps, etc.)
Basic to Intermediate
Module: Joomla (VirtueMart)Use the integration with the Gerencianet API through the module for VirtueMart (which uses the Joomla platform) and start selling your items/products/services. Module settings are quick and easy - it doesn't take 5 minutes
  • Who needs to start selling fast
  • All types of online businesses
Basic to Intermediate
Partner systems integrated with GerencianetThese are official Gerencianet partner systems whose integration with our API is native. Thus, you can use the services offered by Gestoret in a simple and fast way, just filling out some settings on your system, according to the manual of the company that owns the software.
  • All types of businesses and segments