Playground: Notifications

To acess the sandbox environmet you will need a Gerencianet account. Create your account.

The Playground (also called "sandbox") is a development/testing environment in which the integrator, regardless of the operation to be performed, can use to learn about the payment mechanism and flow in a 100% testing and uncomplicated environment. Learn more about the Playground offered by Gerencianet.

A transaction generated through the API may have several status changes depending on the interactions of the payer, the integrator or the operators and banking institutions involved. To keep up with these changes, it is necessary to prepare your system to receive notifications sent by Gerencianet.

To define a URL that will receive the notifications of a transaction, it is necessary to register it at the time of generation of the charge or, later, using the method of changing the notification URL.

For more details on how to receive notifications, please visit the "Receiving notifications" link.

Next, check the endpoint present in our Playground, within the "Notifications" mode:

GET /v1/carnet/:id

Returns the history of notifications sent for a given transaction.

In the following image, you can see the screen of our test environment, which contains the resources linked to the GET /v1/notification/:token method that are available for use:

The following is a simple JSON that can be used to return the history of notifications sent to a given transaction. In addition, it is possible to observe the predicted output. Remembering that it is also necessary to inform the "token" input parameter of the desired notification:

Input parameter: enter the "token" of the desired notification
This JSON returns the history of notifications sent to a given transaction, using the given notification token.