
This page is intended to align the understanding of terms related to the Pix API.


A location is a URL of the capability URL type that serves as address for a charge. In other words, it is through a location that it is possible to retrieve information related to a charge and, thus, carry out the transactions.


Payload is the name given to the second fragment of the JWS object (JSON Web Signature) that contains a JSON with data referring to a charge.


The "revisao" field records the number of changes to a charge. A new charge always starts with revision value 0 (zero) and this value is incremented one unit whenever the charge changes, except when the change is the Location.


Each Pix transaction has a Transaction Identifier, called txid, which, in the context of representing a charge, is unique per CPF/CNPJ of the receiving user. A txid is an alphanumeric string with a minimum length of 26 and a maximum of 35 characters. A valid txid therefore, must obey the following regular expression (regex): ^[a-zA-Z0-9]{26,35}$. You can use this link to validate txid strings under the regex.


Name of the functionality in which it is possible to register a callback URL to receive notifications about updates of transactions involving a certain Dict key.