Consumption Limits

On this page we will deal with the usage limits of the Gerencianet API, so that you can use our services in the best possible way.

Consumption Limits

Consumption limits refer to the consumption of API routes (endpoints), such limits apply to each application individually, that is, if you have an account with 2 applications, each one will have its independent limits, which will be reset ( reset) daily (24 hour interval). It is important to remember that a warning is triggered when 80% of consumption of an endpoint limit is reached for the email registered in your Gestoret account profile. In cases where the maximum number of requests for an endpoint is reached, a blocking notice will be sent to the email registered in your Gestãonet account profile, and such endpoint will only be released for use after automatic unblocking. Below we will describe all the endpoints available for consumption and their respective limits.


Endpoint (Base Route)Requisition limit
POST /v1/charge15.000
GET /v1/charge/:id15.000
PUT /v1/charge/:id/metadata15.000
PUT /v1/charge/:id/billet15.000
PUT /v1/charge/:id/cancel15.000
POST /v1/charge/:id/pay15.000
POST /v1/charge/:id/billet/resend15.000
POST /v1/charge/:id/history15.000
POST /v1/charge/:id/link15.000
PUT /v1/charge/:id/link15.000
POST /v1/charge/:id/balance-sheet15.000
PUT /v1/charge/:id/settle15.000


Endpoint (Base Route)Requisition limit
POST /v1/carnet15.000
GET /v1/carnet/:id/15.000
PUT /v1/carnet/:id/metadata15.000
PUT /v1/carnet/:id/parcel/:parcel15.000
PUT /v1/carnet/:id/cancel15.000
PUT /v1/carnet/:id/parcel/:parcel/cancel15.000
POST /v1/carnet/:id/resend15.000
POST /v1/carnet/:id/parcel/:parcel/resend15.000
POST /v1/carnet/:id/history15.000
PUT /v1/carnet/:id/parcel/:parcel/settle15.000
PUT /v1/carnet/:id/settle15.000


This endpoint is for the exclusive use of the Gerencianet API and is used to communicate with the integrated system to update the status of transactions.

Endpoint (Base Route)Requisition limit
GET /v1/notification/:token30.000


Endpoint (Base Route)Requisition limit
POST /v1/plan15.000
GET /v1/plans15.000
PUT /v1/plan/:id15.000
DELETE /v1/plan/:id15.000
POST /v1/plan/:id/subscription15.000
GET /v1/subscription/:id15.000
PUT /v1/subscription/:id/cancel15.000
PUT /v1/subscription/:id/metadata15.000
POST /v1/subscription/:id/pay15.000
POST /v1/subscription/:id/history15.000


Endpoint (Base Route)Requisition limit
GET /v1/installments15.000