How it works

  • If at least one item in a transaction is shipped as a Marketplace item, then all items are considered Marketplace items;

  • If the sum of transfers of an item is less than 100%, the remainder will be transferred automatically to the integrating account;

  • If the sum of transfers of an item is greater than 100%, it will not be possible to generate the transaction;

  • The Gerencianet intermediation tax is proportionally deducted from all accounts that will receive the transfers;

  • Marketplace transfers are carried out individually on each product in a charge. Thus, each product can have transfers to different accounts in the same charge;

  • It is not possible to carry out a partial transfer of the shipping value;

  • For the Marketplace to work, the only data required is the account identifier ("payee_code") of the accounts that will receive the transfers;

  • Transfers cannot have a value equal to zero percent;

  • It is possible to generate charges with several items, some with configured marketplace and others not;

  • It is not possible to transfer two transfers to the same account in the same item;

  • Transfers of different or equal amounts to the same account in different items of the same order is allowed.

Marketplace settings

repassSet up a Marketplace pass.

Repass attributes:
payeeCode*// account code Gerencianet that will receive the transfer - refers to the Gerencianet's "account identifier"(where to find my identifier?) (String)

percentage*// Percentage that will be passed on to the account whose identifier was entered, including digits to 2 decimal places. Eg: 90% = 9000. (Integer)

Fields with * represent mandatory values