Playground intro

To access the test environment you need a Gerencianet account. Create account.

Before using an application in production environment, it is very important to make sure your implementation is correct and your integrations are connected the way they should.

To prevent integrators from having to test in production, Gerencianet offers a development/testing environment (sandbox), which we call “Playground”. This is a place where the integrator can use to learn about the payment mechanism in 100% test and uncomplicated environment.

In this environment, by offering a similarity with the resources supported by the API in the production environment, it is possible to carry out integration tests before going to production, thus being able to experiment with our API without making changes to your Gerencianet account.

Playground... Sandbox... Development environment, what does it mean?

It is important to know that the words Playground, Sandbox and Development Environment, in the Gerencianet context, are synonymous. They refer to the test environment we offer where you can freely test your API integration.

Specifically in the case of Playground, it is an online sandbox provided by Gerencianet, so that the integrator can test, quickly and easily, if the data they intend to send to the API are correct and follow the required standard.

Using Playground, the integrator does not even need to write lines of code, just be connected to the Internet and logged into your Gerencianet account, copying and pasting the codes that we provide in the following links: Transactions, Carnês, Notifications, Subscriptions and Others.


It is important to note that boletos generated in sandbox are not valid and cannot be paid, they have the typeable line "zero" and a watermark at the bottom stating that it is a test ticket.

Payments for sandbox charges using credit card are dummy even if using a "real" card. All card payments in this environment will have the payment confirmed automatically, but this is just a status change to "Paid" . This feature allows you to test the paid status notification.

This means that all payments made in the sandbox are not real and, therefore, there is no financial charge.

To start using the Playground, follow the instructions:

  1. Access our website , click in "Entrar" (top menu) and log in to your account;

  2. Click in API, then Minhas Aplicações > Nova aplicação (?), defining a name for your application.

Being inside the created application, it is possible to observe all the endpoints provided by the API, that is, everything that is possible to do in the integration. Through the Playground, the integrator can know the information that can be sent in each situation, which are required, in which formats they must be sent, etc.

To follow the procedures performed in the Playground, use the tab "Desenvolvimento", specifically in the subtabs "Transações", "Assinaturas", "Carnês", "Histórico de Requisições" and "Histórico de Notificações".

Each endpoint has an editable field to inform the input data and a non-editable field to show the Schema. The endpoints are divided into 5 (five) main groups: Trnsaction, Carnê, Notification, Subscription and Others.

Explore our sandbox environment

Gerencianet ffers two ways to use the test environment (sandbox): (a) within your Gerencianet account through the Playground or (b) using your development keys Client_Id and Client_Secret:

  • (a) The Playground is an isolated environment, similar to the production environment - it's the place in your Gerencianet account where you can test API features online, without having to program. See how:

    • Log in on your Gerencianet account, access API, then "Minhas Aplicações" > "Nova aplicação" (?), defining your application's name; and
    • now, you can see how to use our Playground copy the codes provided in the section Sandbox environment of the documentation and exploit our Playground.

  • (b) You can also perform integration tests directly on your application/system before going to the production environment. For this, use your keys Client_Id and Client_Secret in the Desenvolvimento tab (?), besides defining sandbox => true.

Additionally, we offer videos teaching you more about the API and our Playground:


API is RESTful, which means that the endpoints created follow specific practices so that they are intuitive for the integrators that use it. These options (GET, POST, PUT and DELETE) are methods that you will use to interact with the resource.

Every endpoint of type GET is a query endpoint, that is, the integrator will never be creating or changing a record when making a consumption of this type.

The endpoints of type POST are always related to the creation of some record. POST /v1/charge creates a charge; POST /v1/charge/:id/pay creates a payment for a given charge, and so on.

The endpoints of type PUT perform the alteration of an existing record. When the integrator uses PUT /v1/charge/:id/cancel, for example, it is changing the status of a charge to canceled.

Finally, endpoints of type DELETE are responsible for deleting a record. This type of consumption will always request an identifier for deletion. In the API, only subscription plans can be deleted.

Interpreting API Responses

Gerencianet uses HTTP responses to indicate success or failure in requests. Generally, when we return responses with status 2xx it means that the request was successfully sent; the status 4xx indicates failure in the data sent by the client; the status 5xx indicates internal server errors .

For more details, we have prepared a special section showing how to interpret our API responses , with real and practical examples. To make it even easier, we also recorded a very short and objective video. Don't miss it and check it out. .

Explanatory Videos: Playground

Thinking about offering new ways of transmitting information, Gerencianet makes available the following videos in order to explain, in a clear and objective way, how to use our Playground (sandbox).

Playground methods (Gerencianet's test environment/sandbox)

Creating a transaction via Playground (Gerencianet's test environment/sandbox)

For access to other classes, on other subjects, access the "Online Integration Course" section.

Next steps

Now that you know about our Playground, it is interesting that you know more about the 5 (five) endpoints available in our test area: