
If you are a developer and you want to integrate your website or application with a complete online billing and payment management system, you are in the right place! This documentation is intended for developers who want to integrate their website or application with the Gerencianet API. API functionalities, modules, technical parameters, videos in the form of classes on integrations with our API and availability of ready-made example codes to facilitate your development activities are described. Gerencianet is a Payment company. Through it, you can issue charges to your customers (by boleto, card, carnês or subscriptions) without having to make specific agreements with banks or credit card operators. In compliance with Febraban's determination, the boletos and carnês generated by Gerencianet are registered.

Discover our course

Thinking about offering new ways of transmitting information, Gerencianet launched the EAD Course of the Gerencianet University, which are videos in class format with the objective of explaining, in a clear and objective way, how to use our solutions in online payments and integrate your system or application with the Gerencianet API. The course is available on the Udemy platform. After completing 100% of the course, we will provide a digital certificate in your name certifying your completion. The course is free and has an estimated workload of 6 hours.

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Before starting, create your Gerencianet account. An integrator can create as many applications as he wants. For each application, 2 pairs of Client_Id and Client_Secret keys are generated, one pair for use in a Production environment (?) and another for Homologation (?).

Using the Gerencianet API, the integrator can generate transactions (pagamento via boleto ou card), recurring charges, carnês e receive notifications (callbacks) whenever there are status changes in transactions.

To create your first application, log in in your Gerencianet account, access API > Minhas Aplicações > Nova Aplicação (?), enter a name for your application and click create new application (?). You will see the Client_Id and Client_Secret Production and Development keys. We recommend that you start by exploring our Playgroundto learn about the payment mechanism and flow in a 100% testing and hassle-free environment. In this place, all the endpoints made available by the API will be located, that is, everything that can be done via integration.

Via the Request History sub-tab (?) it is possible to view all requests made by your management system or integration with the Gerencianet API. Learn more on the page Interpretando Erros na API.In view of the variety of integrations with Gerencianet, we have gathered information in this table to make your choice easier.

So choose the best integration according to your needs.


Our API is RESTful and requests/responses are in JSON. Gerencianet uses OAuth to provide authorized access to the API. All libraries available here are already prepared to perform this authentication automatically.

See how to install the SDK in the language of your choice by clicking on the tabs below:

// Instalando via Packagist com o Composer:
// Packagist:
// Composer:
$ composer require gerencianet/gerencianet-sdk-php
// Ou, se preferir, confira a documentação completa:
// extensões cURL, json & openssl devem estar ativadas