Information about all endpoints available in the Gerencianet Account Opening API.
On this page you will find all available endpoints of the Gerencianet Payment API. We recommend that you join our community in Discord to keep up with api developments, including the release of new endpoints.
Use the summary below to quickly navigate between api endpoint groups.
Video Tutorial Gerencianet Openning Account API
Base routes
Base route or base URL's for environments, use the route below to communicate your application with the production environment offered by Gerencianet.
- Production
Get authorization
This endpoint is used to authorize an application's credentials and get the scopes that the application has to access the other API endpoints. The P12/PEM certificate must be present in the authorization request for the handshake with the API server to be allowed.
Examples of authorization using the certificate. P12
To use the Gerencianet Payment API, the client and server must communicate on a verified connection to each other. Verification is done by the two-way certificate (.PEM or .P12), that is, the server and client have implemented a private key certificate and a public key certificate that allows one to ensure the identity of the other.
Therefore to make any HTTP request to the Openning account API, including the authorization request with OAuth2, it is necessary the certificate .P12, or .pem, in the request headers.
Below are examples of how to consume the Authorization of the Gerencianet Openning account API by incorporating this certificate into the request.
- php
- Node
- Python
- C#
- Ruby
- Java
- Go
Authorization example of response
The code snippet below represents an example of OAuth's response to your authorization request.
- Response
Simplified Registration
Request to open a simplified account
Requests simplified account opening for integration. The input data refers to the final customer. If the input data is valid, the customer will receive a link in which they can authorize integration with a Gerencianet account.
Requires authorization for the scope:
Creating account/ application
If your end customer already has a Gerenciant account, two options will appear for him:
- Create an application in the current account, where you will have access to the credentials and define the scopes.
- Create a secondary account for the end customer with the settings/access defined in the request.
Refusing the account oppening
If your customer refuses the account opening process, you will have to wait 2 business days before starting a new process. Note: The information is not returned if the customer denies the opening process.
- Natural Person data
- Juridical Person data
Data that can be used in the simplified account opening request.
(*) Mandatory attributes
Attribute | Description | Mandatory | Type |
clienteFinal | The fields in the final customer identification organize informations about the final customer data for which the account will be generated. clienteFinal: cpf* // Natural Person's CPF. (String) nomeCompleto* // Final customer's full name, natural person. (String) dataNascimento* // Final customer born date. (String in the format: DD/MM/YYYY ) nomeMae* // Final customer mother's name, natural person. (String) celular* // Final customer's phone number. (String) email* // Final customer's email. (String) cnpj* // Juridical Person's CNPJ (String) razaoSocial* // Final customer's social name, juridical person. (String) endereco* // Final customer's address. (Object) cep* // Final customer's zipcode (CEP), natural person. (String) estado* // Final customer's state, natural person (String) Values: AC, AL, AP, AM, BA, CE, DF, ES, GO, MA, MT, MS, MG, PA, PB, PR, PE, PI, RJ, RN, RS, RO, RR, SC, SP, SE, TO cidade* // Final customer's city name, natural person. (String) bairro* // Final customer's neighbourhood name. (Object) logradouro* // Final customer's street name, natural person. (String) numero* // Final customer's address number. (Object) complemento* // Final customer's adress complement, natural person. (String) | Yes | String |
meioDeNotificacao | Determines where and which way will the final customer receive the notification to approve the process. Values: sms , whatsapp | Yes | String |
escoposIntegrados | Scopes of services that the integrator wants to access in the final customer's account. It is not possible to request unconfigured service scopes for the requesting integrator's application. Values: charge.write, cob.write, payloadlocation.write, payloadlocation.read, cob.read, pix.write, pix.read, pix.send, webhook.write, webhook.read, gn.balance.read, gn.pix.evp.write, gn.pix.evp.read, gn.settings.write, gn.settings.read, gn.barcode.read, gn.barcode.pay.write,gn.barcode.pay.read | Yes | String |
The answers below represent Success(200) and Failures/Errors of consumption.
- 200(Success)
- 400(Bad Request)
- 401(Unauthorized)
- 403(Forbidden)
- 409(Conflict)
- 412(Precondition Failed)
- 500(Error)
Get credentials from simplified account
Endpoint to get the
and Client_Secret
to integrate with a simplified account.Requires authorization for the scope:
Attribute | Description | Mandatory | Type |
identificador | Generated simplified account's identifier | Yes | String |
The responses below represent Success(200) and Consumption failures/errors.
- 200(Success)
- 401(Unauthorized)
- 403(Forbidden)
- 412(Precondition Failed)
- 500(Error)
Get certificate from simplified account
Endpoint to get the certificate to integrate with a simplified account.
Requires authorization for the scope:
Attribute | Description | Mandatory | Type |
identificadorWebhook | Generated simplified account's identifier. | Yes | String |
The responses below represent Success(200) and Consumption failures/errors.
- 200(Success)
- 401(Unauthorized)
- 403(Forbidden)
- 412(Precondition Failed)
- 500(Error)
It brings together endpoints for managing notifications to the integrator.
Understanding the mTLS pattern
As a rule by the Central Bank, it will be necessary to insert a Gerencianet public key on its server so that the communication complies with the mTLS pattern. In your domain that represents your server, a configuration must be made to require the public key (mTLS) that we are providing for mutual authentication to occur.
Gerencianet will make 2 requests for your domain (server):
- First Request: Let's make sure your server is demanding a public key from Gerencianet. This will be done when sending a request without a certificate and your server should not accept the request. Once answered with the refusal, the 2nd request will be sent.
- Second Request: We will send the notification together with our public key, your server, which must contain the public key available, must perform the "Hand-Shake" and thus the communication will be established.
Your server must have the minimum version of TLS 1.2. You can check about your TLS here
On your server you must configure a 'POST' route with a default response as a string "200". Our production certificate or homologation must be inserted in your server, below we have some examples.
Dedicated Servers
It is recommended that you have a dedicated server to be able to configure the webhook, since it is necessary to have access to some files to perform the configurations as in the examples below.
Shared hosting
For hosting on shared servers, there may be restrictions regarding the insertion of certificates generated by another entity, such as our CA for example. If you have problems, we advise you to opening a ticket with the subject: mTLS on shared hosting or contact us through our channel #api-pix no Discord. We will analyze the situation so that we can act together to help you.
Examples of server settings
To configure your server, you will need the Gerencianet public keys. Below are the key addresses for the Production and Homologation environments. These keys must be downloaded and placed on your server.
Attribute | Description |
Production | https://pix.gerencianet.com.br/webhooks/chain-pix-prod.crt |
Homologation | https://pix.gerencianet.com.br/webhooks/chain-pix-sandbox.crt |
The code snippets below seek to exemplify the necessary settings on your server so that it is possible to perform the hand-shake with our servers.
- Python
- Nginx
- Node
- Apache
To have a valid SSL, you must contact a Certificate Authority and generate a private key server_ssl.key.pem
and a public key server_ssl.crt.pem
, so you can validate the integrity of the connection. You can do this for free using a utility like Certbot for example.
Setting the Webhook
Configures webhook for the Account Opening API.
Requires authorization for scope:
Data for webhook configuration.
- Add Webhook
- Update Webhook
(*) Mandatory attribute
Attribute | Description | Mandatory | Type |
webhookURL | URL where the notification will be sent. | Yes | String. Example: https://gerencianet.com.br/meu-webhook |
identificadorWebhook | Webhook identifier key. | No | String. Example: 92ecc0a8-9631-4601-a188-feacf8288c13 |
The responses below represent Success(200) and Failures/Errors of consumption.
- 200(Success)
- 400(Bad request)
- 401(Unauthorized)
- 500(Error)
Detail Webhook
Requires authorization for the scope:
The request sent to this endpoint doesn't need a body, just the authorization header, OAuth, parameters and the account certificate.
Attribute | Description | Mandatory | Type |
identificadorWebhook | Pix key evp linked to the webhook | Yes | String. Example: 92ecc0a8-9631-4601-a188-feacf8288c13 |
The responses below represent Success(200) and Failures/Errors of consumption.
- 200(Success)
- 400(Bad request)
- 401(Unauthorized)
- 500(Error)
Cancel Webhook
Requires authorization for the scope:
The request sent to this endpoint doesn't need a body, just the authorization header, OAuth, parameters and the account certificate.
Attribute | Description | Mandatory | Type |
identificadorWebhook | Pix key evp linked to the webhook. | Yes | String. Example: 92ecc0a8-9631-4601-a188-feacf8288c13 |
The responses below represent Success(200) and Failures/Errors of consumption.
- 200(Success)
- 400(Bad request)
- 401(Unauthorized)
- 500(Error)
Get list of Webhooks
Requires authorization for the scope:
The request sent to this endpoint doesn't need a body, just the authorization header, OAuth, parameters and the account certificate.
Attribute | Description | Mandatory | Type |
inicio | Start date to the list. | Yes | string($datetime) Example :2020-04-01T00:00:00.000Z |
fim | Final date to the list. | Yes | string($datetime) Example :2022-10-29T00:00:00.000Z |
paginacao.paginaAtual | Current page listed. | No | Integer. Example : 0 |
paginacao.itensPorPagina | Quantity listed per page. | No | Integer. Example : 10 |
The responses below represent Success(200) and Failures/Errors of consumption.
- 200(Success)
- 400(Bad request)
- 401(Unauthorized)
- 500(Error)