How it works

A subscription is created with status new. As soon as the payment method is defined, the status changes to active, that is, the subscription is active, being like this throughout all the charge creation cycle.

A subscription is no longer active only in the following situations:

  • The payer canceled the service by clicking on the unsubscribe link present in the subscription confirmation email. Thus, the status is changed to canceled;

  • The seller canceled the service by clicking on the unsubscribe link present in their receipts interface, or using the cancellation webservice through the endpoint /subscription/cancel or function cancelSubscription from the SDK. Thus, the status is changed to canceled;

  • All charges have already been generated. Thus, the status is changed to expired, that is the subscription is expired and all charges configured for the subscription have already been issued.

To follow up on the subscription, it is necessary to be aware of the status of the generated transactions. When it is not possible to confirm the payment of a transaction, the status becomes unpaid, that is, it was not possible to confirm the payment of the charge. In this situation, the seller must take the action he judges pertinent, such as, for example, interrupting the service offering, charging this payment in another way or canceling the subscription.

The two payment methods available are: boleto and card. In the first one, the ticket is generated according to the number of repetitions defined by the plan, and can also be sent to the customer's email. In the second, the charge is automatically debited from the customer's card, also according to plan repetitions.

The subscriber or seller can unsubscribe at any time. When this occurs, the two are notified via email, with all the details of the cancellation.

Subscription status table

If you want, access the complete table with the possible status of subscriptions.