
The Gerencianet's Marketplace can be used in situations where the amount paid by the buyer must be divided between two or more sellers.

The concept of marketplace is simple. An online retail environment where several retailers offer their products in a single location. It can be said, in short, that the marketplace is an environment (virtual or not) where several retailers come together to offer different products and services, thus seeking to satisfy the needs of their customers, strengthen their brand in the market. and give more visibility to your products.

It is, therefore, a partnership signed between a group of stores or merchants who choose to sell their goods, whether products or services, in the same place, as if they were part of a shopping mall.

Gerencianet's Marketplace allows any Gerencianet account to create a multi-sales platform and with this solution, you can use your website to make sales and inform, through integration, how the amount received should be divided between different Gerencianet accounts . It works for your account and also for your partners.

Next steps

Now that you know a little about the Gestãonet marketplace process, you can see details about how the marketplace works and then you can explore further and see the page split payments between Gerencianet accounts.